Who I Am & What I Do
Passionate about open-source Nixie Pixel has been on the leading wave of advocacy for accessibility in tech through her work spanning over a decade.
Nixie’s ability to engage, communicate, and really connect with her audiences onscreen and as a speaker has earned her multiple high-end sponsors and collaborators including AT&T, Ford, and Logitech. Also an entrepreneur, Nixie founded Equiti Games and GeekBeacon. GeekBeacon is an organically evolving, digital community resource focused on mental health awareness and accessibility of gaming and tech.
In a world climate of instability, rapid change, and resource insecurity Nixie is working harder than ever to grow open-source culture and opportunity with her work.
Show Host
Show Host for Geekbuzz and OS.ALT on Rev3 (Discovery Channel) Prior G4TV and TechTV Affiliated
• GDC (Game Developer Conference)
• Zurich Game Festival
• Penny Arcade Expo
• GDC 10 Year Media
• CES 10 Year Media
• E3 8 Year Media
Demystifying coding, decoding gaming, and gamifying tech with her unique brand of approachable expertise. Taking her knack for making the inscrutable into the logical she has continued to grow her own path of bringing the often cryptic and complex world of coding to an audience of over 300,000 and growing.
Worked and collaborated with multiple high end sponsors including:
• AT&T
• Dell
• Ford
• Kodak
• Logitech
• Founded GeekBeacon, a digital community resource and mental health awareness center.
• Founded GeeksAbroad, a geeky travel show.
• Founded GeekBeacon Festival, a open-source conference!
• Founded Equiti Games, An alternative distribution for games.
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Check Out GeekBeacon !

GeekBeacon is a worldwide community of geeks with a mission focused on building and growing our collective knowledge for the betterment of humanity. In a world with rapidly shifting sociopolitical, economic, and ecological climates we see the marginalized being pushed further to the margins. GeekBeacon strives to make tech and gaming more accessible with projects and research to find new adaptations and innovations. From coding tutorials to community game nights, from chat hangouts to mental health support groups, we draw geeks from all nerddoms together. Sharing information and experiences, guiding one another in creating a collective that strengthens and empowers with an ultimate goal of doing social good.